Beurre Visage Ultra Rich Shea Butter Face Cream
Le Beurre Shop, LLC
• People seeking a healthy, natural alternative to skin care • People seeking vegan, cruelty-free products • People seeking relief from eczema, psoriasis, dark spots, scars, wounds, bed sores • Women seeking a healthy skin care product for their kids • Men seeking the solution to their dry skin needs
Product detailsBeurre visage is an ultra-rich face cream that’s a rich, moisturizing blend of hydrating and healing ingredients. Packed with vitamins A and E, shea butter aids in treating blemishes, wrinkles, eczema and dermatitis. Argon and Rosehip oils both provide amazing moisturizing properties while Maracuja oil is a superior emollient rich in vitamin C, calcium and phosphorus. Cucumber seed oil is light and refreshing and a light touch of Chamomile oil is not only soothing but also reduces puffiness and redness.
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