
Sea Life Jewelry
What we’re looking for
influencer, health & fitness, meditation, fashion blogger, jewelry influencer, fashion jewelry influencer, travel blogger, beauty blogger
Product detailsA new collection of Sterling silver necklaces, pendants, earrings, rings & more designs inspired by sea life. Gemexi offers you a wide range of sea life jewelry at wholesale price.
Product linkhttps://www.gemexi.com/explore/featured-jewelry/sea-life-jewelry
Want to enter this campaign?
Offered by Sea Life JewelryDeliverable
Instagrammers will post to their feed:1 time
Usernames to @mention:@gemexi.india
Hashtags to #mention:#gemexi
Accounts to tag in Photo:@https://www.instagram.com/gemexi.india/
NotesIt is a BARTER campaign. For this collaboration, you will be receiving products worth up to $30 from gemexi.com (3 variants will be sent along), Deliverables: 1 Reel/ Post +1 Story+ link in bio for 3 days