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New Line of Beaded Charity Jewelry

Jewels for Hope

What we’re looking for

We would love to work with someone who would like cross promoting- as we would like to use your photos (and obviously tag/link to you) throughout our social channels. We are a small mother/daughter team that donates - so anyone who supports small businesses or charity organizations would be a perfect fit for us.

Product details

We have a new line of beaded earrings! Jewels For Hope is handcrafted jewelry that donates 10% of the profits to charity. Everyone can look good and do good with our products. Our new line of jewelry is all handwoven, from pineapple earrings to stunning diamond shape earrings.

Product link


Want to enter this campaign?
Offered by New Line of Beaded Charity Jewelry
Instagrammers will post to their feed:

1 time

Usernames to @mention:

@jewelsforhopect @jewelsforhope

Hashtags to #mention:

#handcraftedjewelry #giftsthatgiveback #etsyfinds #feelgoodfashion

Accounts to tag in Photo:

@jewelsforhopect @jewelsforhope


We would be happy to send different items, depending on the Instagrammer. Please feel free to contact us if you see something different in our shop you think would fit your Instagram base. www.jewelsforhope.net