Tuesday 24, Jul 2018 |

The world of dreaming big

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I still remember as a teenager, siting with my brother, and drawing our dream room.

It was the big boom of computer era before 2000, and we always were including a computer in our dream room.

I always was fascinated by the phrase: “If you can dream it,You can achieve it!”

And I was dreaming big.

Then soon, I became an adult, and left the lair of my parents, and hit the ground really hard, coming down with my head from the clouds.

I never learned what living life means, managing money, planning savings, pay bills, calculate how much house you can afford, where I can have my own room, with my own computer in it.

When I took the biggest step in my life, and moved from Europe to USA,I was dreaming to reach for the stars, achieve so many things we used to hear people achieved by moving here, but when reality sinks in, you learn life is not exactly what you expected, or heard about in some successful stories.


And that’s ok.

Stories are great, to learn that dreams can be achieved, but also learn about being grounded and calculated.

It didn’t take us long to get our first apartment, and I’ve got my own room and own computer, but the essential, eventual rests, in dreaming realistically, and being calculated.

The other thing I’ve always felt, that If you don’t achieve buying a place, people make you feel like you’ve failed, which is not always true.

People have different dreams and goals, so staying focused, and not get distracted on the road, is also important.

So keep dreaming I say, and plan achieving all your dreams, small or big!


