Tuesday 24, Jul 2018 |

How I build a snack/lunch

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You probably know already the importance of the healthy habit of eating little and often, but also the importance of snacking/eating on the right foods.

Snacking can help boost the metabolism and help keep a healthy balance of blood sugar, give brain the great dose of nutrients it needs (so no headaches here), keep your energy high,so you can skip the second coffee if you’d like. Remember that next time your squirming on your chair in your office, when you feel you suddenly get a headache or your stomach growls.

But always keep in mind, drink a glass of water first, since your thirst can often be mistaken with hunger.


Here are some awesome snacks/lunches I’m currently hooked on:


I choose to eat paleo, so no starches here, but you can definitely choose what works for you.


If packing you own snack/meal is not an option, you might like to check out the Healthy Meals buying option, great for on the go or office place.

Counting calories does also matter, so don’t over eat, or eat to fast. Always  have a drink with your snack/meal, so you will also feel fuller but also hydrate as you shoes, and choose a non-sweet drink, such as water.
